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Valley Academyof Arts & Sciences

GATE Program » VAAS Gifted and Talented Education Program

VAAS Gifted and Talented Education Program

GATE Coordinator: Leah Pevar, TSP Coordinator
Contact Information: [email protected]

Upcoming GATE Events


GATE/SAS Webinars

Our webinar series has concluded for this school year. The webinars will resume in October 2024.


GATE Parent Hour

GATE Parent Hour is a monthly Zoom meeting where you can ask questions and get answers from GATE Staff. Meetings are held from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Meetings for the 2023-2024 school year have concluded. Our next meeting will be held in September 2024. The time and Zoom link will be posted here in August 2024. 

Online GATE Parent/Guardian Workshops
GATE Parent/Guardian Newsletters
The quarterly GATE/SAS Parent Newsletter focuses on information relevant to parents of gifted/talented learners.  Topics vary and may include information about gifted identification, strategies for differentiated instruction, characteristics of gifted learners, and upcoming parent events or student opportunities. Click links below for this year’s current Newsletters.  
El Boletín trimestral para padres de los Programas GATE/SAS se centra en la información pertinente a los padres de estudiantes dotados/talentosos. Los temas varían y pueden incluir información sobre la identificación del talento, las estrategias para la enseñanza diferenciada, características de los alumnus dotados, y próximos eventos para los padres u oportunidades para los estudiantes. Clic abajo para los boletines para este ano.

GATE/SAS Parent Conference 


Gifted/Talented Programs coordinates an annual conference for parents of GATE/SAS students. This FREE parent event features a dynamic keynote speaker and two self-selected workshops catered to the needs and interests of parents of gifted learners. Learn more about the complexities of your gifted child from cutting edge researchers, teachers, psychologists and more.  



La oficina de Los Programas Para Alumnos Dotados/Talentosos coordina una conferencia anual para padres de estudiantes de los Programas GATE/SAS. Este evento para padres es GRATUITO y cuenta con un orador principal dinámico y dos talleres auto-seleccionado para satisfacer las necesidades e intereses de los padres de alumnos dotados/talentosos. Aprenda más sobre las complejidades de su niño dotado de recientes investigaciones, de profesores, de psicólogos, y más. 
13th Annual GATE/SAS Parent Conference Webinar March 12, 2022