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Valley Academyof Arts & Sciences

Philip Cheung » Winter Academy - Advisory

Winter Academy - Advisory

SMART Goal Reflection and Revision
a) Review your SMART Goal 1.  Were you able to achieve your specific goal?  What measurable evidence justifies you reaching your goal?

b) What obstacles did you encounter in working towards your goal?  What did you do to overcome these obstacles?

c) What would you do differently for next semester for your next SMART Goal?  How would this improve your ability to meet your SMART Goal?

d) Once you have answered these questions, use the SMART Goal document to create a new SMART Goal for the Spring Semester.  It must be Specific, Measurable, Ambitious but Achievable, Results-oriented, and Time-bound.

Note: If you did not write a SMART Goal, complete the SMART Goal document attached below, to write your SMART Goal for next semester.

Specific: The goal should be well-defined enough that anyone with basic knowledge is able to read it and understand what is to be accomplished.

Measureable: You must be able to determine when the goal has been achieved.  Identify measurable, acceptable evidence that can be proven that you have met the goal.  For example, "I will study hard in English" is not measureable; but "I will study my English notes for at least 30 minutes, 2 or 3 days every week so that I can get at least a B by the end of the semester" is measurable.

Ambitious but Achievable: The goal must strike the right balance between achievable and challenging enough to impact the desired change.  You must be sure that the desired result can be accomplished.  At the same time, you want to be sure that the goal will be a stretch for you that it is just outside your comfort zone.

Results-oriented: The goal(s) should be stated as a clear outcome or result - it should not focus on the process but rather the outcome of the process.  "I will study hard for my English test" is not a result, but a process.  "Based on my grade for English, I will review the notes for the sections that I scored low on in order to score a higher grade on my next retake" is a result to be achieved.

Time-bound: You need a clear time frame in which to reach your goal (accomplish the objective).  Think about everything that needs to be done to reach the goal.  Begin to plan backward from the desired result.  Develop a timeline for accomplishing the various tasks that is needed to achieve the desired results.


How to write a SMART goal


SMART Goals Document


SMART Goals Review and Revision

Log into Naviance using the attached link or tap on the four squares in the top right of Schoology (browser only) and select "Naviance for Students"


Near the top of your screen, find the "Self-Disccovery" tab.

Complete the following self assessment:

  • "AchieveWorks Intelligences"
  • "AchieveWorks Personality"
  • "AchieveWorks Learning and Productivity" 

Take a screenshot of the results of each completed self assessment, to be submitted upon your return from Winter Break.

Enter your text here...
Finish your Digital Portfolio according to feedback given.

If you are the Group Leader, make a copy of the Outline Template (using your MyMail Email) and fill in your Name and Topic in the document.

Then, complete the following two steps:

1) Share the document with me to my email [email protected]

2) Submit the link to do your document to this assignment


If you are a Group Member, have your Group Leader share the Outline Template with you (to your MyMail email), enter in your name into the document, then:

1) Submit the link to do your document to this assignment


Signature Project Outline Template